Liberate your creativity.  You’ll bring the full power of your imagination, intelligence, and enthusiasm to business, relationships, and artistic endeavors.

After the Creative Surge course you’ll have new energy and confidence for a work-in-progress.  Or, you may start a project that you’d never imagined before.


* FOR GROUPS:  Perfect for Break-out Sessions, Team-Building, and Classes.

We will not learn about creativity, talk about being creative, or think about being creative—this class is about doing.  It is about process, not product.  It is about trusting ourselves and the people we team with.  We will turn our creativity loose.  We will play and work together using unique exercises and break-out sessions.  We learn to brainstorm with joy and respect.  Be prepared for amazing results!  These sessions can last for two hours to three days, depending upon needs and size of group.


We don’t believe in writer’s block, but we know what it feels like to be stuck. We will improvise prose with you, brainstorm, play with words in a Dr. Seuss style, imagine characters and their settings, write scenes, write silly poems, and write dialog. You will break down your boundaries and recover your natural creative self.  You will be an absolutely creative being—no judgments.  This fluid energy will move your writing project, whether fiction or non-fiction, into juicy reality.


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Today’s One-Tip Take Away:

Turn Your Assumptions on Their Heads ~ We love it when our pre-conceived notions are proven wrong.  It gives your creativity muscles.  Do you sometimes, or even often, find that you’re looking at the same thing as everyone else, but seeing something entirely different? Hooray for you!  Creative people, and that’s everybody, find their originality when they challenge and reverse what seems to be the obvious.  Go for it!

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” ~ Albert Einstein

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