When Do I Rewrite My Novel? (part one)

                When do you rewrite your novel? Not today, or tomorrow, or any time you’re in the middle of writing it. Here’s a short version of the truth: You can’t genuinely rewrite until the first draft is finished, so let those horses run! Why wait to rewrite? You […]

Avoid an Outhouse Called the Slushpile

Several times each week a would-be writer comes to me with this complaint: ‘I’ve spent two years (or one year or three years) sending my book to agents, publishers, or producers, AND I’M GETTING ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE. I GET A FORM REJECTION. OR NO ANSWER AT ALL. I’M SICK OF IT.’

I’m tired of it, too. Where does their writing land? Simple. It’s called the slush pile. Every agent, editor, and producer has one, a stack of manuscripts in a corner, about to topple, waiting to be read. Here’s a promise—they’re not going to get read. What to do to make sure your work is read? Read on.

Finding the RIGHT word

“The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is the difference between the lightning and the lightning bug.” –Mark Twain Please follow and like us:

Become a Professional Writer

    There are three rules for becoming rules becoming a professional writer: 1) Write every day. 2) Write every day. 3) Write every day.                                                             […]

WHAT IF? An Eavesdropping Exercise — Have Fun This Friday!

A fun writing exercise:

Do you eavesdrop, make up stories about these strangers, what kind of place they live, what their jobs are, if they have kids?

Hello, you must be a writer!

Here is our Friday What IF? fun exercise. Enjoy!


WHAT IF? Friday: Find Your Beginning in the Middle? Try It!

Win often says to students, “Where do you start you story? With this, The trouble started on Wednesday.” Begin your story on Wednesday, not on Sunday. Sunday is back story. (Be bold. Begin with dialog, if that feels right.)

When we edit manuscripts, we often see the first pages rambling around the block, shuffling their feet and staring up into the sky. Then we discover the first sentence, and perhaps an opening paragraph, on page fifteen. Eureka!

Start Writing Now. Just Do It.

Every day of your life there is a story, sitting in your lap or curled inside your heart, that is waiting to be told. There is also love, food, dancing, joy, and mysteries to be part of. But that is another story.

You be the midwife. Birth the story. Breathe life into it. If you’re not doing that, then we ask you:


Writers, Do You Need a Website? Here are the Facts.

You are a writer. Do you need a website? Well … Do you want to sell books? Have a great time with your readers? Then, yes, you need a website. Don’t be scared! We’ll walk you through options and some easy tricks and tips. What’s up next for our friends, writing crazily? Find out!

Three Big Publishing Secrets and Surprises

  Our current wrap-up on print versus indie publishing will hold some surprises, and every element is important in your decision-making process.  So, listen up, and read the entire blog, plus the past blogs, before you make up your mind about which path to choose. Stay with us.  We’ll continue to chime in on this […]

Are You A Natural-Born Surgeon?

Some years ago, at a party, a neuro-surgeon and I were chatting. He eventually got around to saying with a self-confident smile, “You know, Win, I think I have a book in me.” I was dumbstruck. Like most of us, I thought of the perfect rejoinder only the next day. “Yeah, Larry, and I think […]